Monday, May 4, 2009

Keep on, Keepin' on..

Got a phone call from Jake last night. It was one that I knew was coming for a few weeks but it was still a little odd to get it. He has been hanging out with a really great friend of Anna's that lives in FL. We've known her for years and Jake has meet her multiple times so they're fairly well acquainted. Anyway, seems he likes her and felt that he needed my permission (and Anna's too I'm sure) for it to be "ok" that they continue to hangout on what I'm sure is a more personal level. I honestly don't have any issues with Jake getting back into the singles scene. Some might feel it's a little soon, but it's not like my sister dead in some sudden accident. Hope was sick for a long time, longer then I ever knew and from Jake's point of view the Hope he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with has been gone a lot longer then 4 months.

Anyway, he called and we talked for about 30 minutes before he got around to asking if I was comfortable with the two of them "hanging out together". I told him it was fine, as a matter of fact I told him that he doesn't need to worry about me when it comes to his decision to hangout or date women. It's more important to me that he be happy because I know that Hope told him the same thing. I don't expect him to be a monk for the rest of his life, he has way to long to live for that to be realistic. Plus the boys will need a woman in their life that isn't a Grandmother or Aunt at some point. My biggest concern is that he not jump into anything too fast. He needs to take his time, get his feet wet a little before moving on to something long-term/serious. Although if things were to go that route with this one person I don't really think I'd have a problem; but only because I've known her for years and think she could use a great guy like Jake.

I know Hope told him it was ok to find someone else one day, that she didn't want him to be lonely. It just seemed so odd that he would be nervous about what I would think while at the same time I just want him to do what makes him happy. It is somewhat reassuring to see that he is trying to keep his life going. He stays so busy with his company and the boys, I'm amazed that he has time/energy to pursue an adult social life.

Here's to you Jake, may you find someone that helps fill that Hope sized hole inside you. Keep on, keepin' on!

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